Ansible and Infoblox

Author: R Zach Feeser

Using Ansible to interact with Infoblox is easy. Ansible has an Infoblox Guide on their website; but here are the steps to controlling Infoblox with Ansible.

Step 1 - Install Python on your favorite Linux distribution

Debian / Ubuntu: sudo apt install python3-pip -y

RedHat: sudo yum install python3-pip -y

Step 2 - Install Ansible via pip

Debian / Ubuntu: python3 -m pip install ansible

RedHat: python3 -m pip install ansible

Step 3 - Install the infoblox-client via pip

Debian / Ubuntu: python3 -m pip install infoblox-client

RedHat: python3 -m pip install infoblox-client

Step 4 - Take a quick look into your Infoblox Management Interface

Depending on your system you may need to set up some port-forwards to see the Management Interface.

Step 5 - Create a playbook

Below is an example of a playbook supported by Ansible version 2.10 using Python version 3.6. We’ll refer to this file as infoblox-playbook02.yml

- name: DNS Zone, Network, and Host Play
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no   # running against local host

          domain: campuswest.local
          dcomment: local DNS zone
          state: present
          netcomment: this is my second IPv4 network
          host: hotfudge

          - vars/infoblox.creds   # contains nios_provider

          - name: "Create a forward DNS zone called {{ domain }}"
              name: "{{ domain }}"
              comment: "{{ dcomment }}"
              state: "{{ state }}"
              provider: "{{ nios_provider }}"    # credentials
          - name: Attempting to create a network on the default network view
                    network: "{{ networktocreate }}"
                    comment: "{{ netcomment }}"
                            - name: domain-name
                              value: "{{ domain }}"
                    state: "{{ state }}"
                    provider: "{{ nios_provider }}"
          - name: display what is returned from a lookup plugin
                var: lookup('nios_next_ip', networktocreate, provider=nios_provider)
                verbosity: 1

          - name: "configure an IPv4 host record for {{ host }}.{{ domain }}"
              name: "{{ host }}.{{ domain }}"
                - ipv4addr:
                    "{{ lookup('nios_next_ip', networktocreate, provider=nios_provider)[0] }}"
              state: "{{ state }}"
              provider: "{{nios_provider}}"

Step 6 - Review the code inside your playbook

Step 7 - Create a directory for the file used to secure your credentials

We already have this setup from previous Ansible testing. If you don’t have the same setup, you can follow the options documented below to set up your vault.

Debian / Ubuntu: mkdir vars/

RedHat: mkdir vars/

We place these credentials in an external file, vars/infoblox.creds to avoid exposing our credentials within our Playbook. An example of this credential file can be found below.

# Ansible variable file containing Infoblox creds
    host:      # IP of an instance of Infoblox
    username: admin          # username for infoblox
    password: LeR0Y!Jenkinz! # password for infoblox

Step 8 - Try running your playbook

We are skipping on the vault for this run because we want to make sure our syntax and formatting are correct. Then we can get back to security!

Debian / Ubuntu: ansible-playbook infoblox-playbook02.yml

RedHat: ansible-playbook infoblox-playbook02.yml

Once things are working, you’ll want to use ansible-vault to encrypt your credentials. If you run into any problems, be sure to read the error message. Ansible is actually quite good at offering explanations as to why something didn’t work. If you can’t figure it out, try to Google the error. Chances are, someone has already posted a solution.

If you want Ansible training, check out the Alta3 Research Ansible 101 course overview. Training is available to individuals, as well as to companies seeking group training or certifications.

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