-28 Bytes Later

Author: Stu Feeser

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When calculating ICMP payload size for MTU testing, you are asked to subtract 28 bytes. For instance, if you want to test MTU transmission of a 9000 byte jumbo frame, you perform the following math:

9000 - 28 = 8972.

So where does the 28 bytes come from?

The answer can be found in RFC 792, but the following diagram clearly shows where that 28 bytes originates:

      ---------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      ^          ^     | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|
      |          |     +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |          |     |              |        |                       |                                               |
      |          |     | IP Version   | Hdr Len|th   Type of Service   |                 Total Length                  |
      |          |     |              |        |                       |                                               |
      |          |     +--------------+--------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
      |          |     |                                               | FLAGS  |                                      |
      |          |     |                 Identification                +--------+            Offset                    |
      |          |     |                                               |DF|MF|RB|                                      |
      |          V     +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |     IP Header  |                       |                       |                                               |
      |     20 Bytes   |     Time To Live      |        Protocol       |            Header Checksum                    |
      |          |     |                       |     1=ICMP (ping)     |                                               |
      |          |     +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
      |          |     |                                                                                               |
      +          |     |                                      Source IP Address                                        |
    9000         |     |                                                                                               |
    Bytes        |     +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      +          |     |                                                                                               |
      |          |     |                                   Destination IP Address                                      |
      |          v     |                                                                                               |
      |         ------ +-----------------------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
      |          ^     |                       |                        |                                              |
      |          |     |          Type         |          Code          |                   Checksum                   |
      |        ICMP    |                       |8=ping req, 0=ping reply|                                              |
      |       Header   +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |      8 Bytes   |                                                                                               |
      |          |     |                                             Unused                                            |
      |          V     |                                                                                               |
      |         ------ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |          |     |                                                                                               |
      |        8972    |                         Data size must be calculated & determined by you!                     |
      |        BYTES   |           Note that the IP header is 20 bytes and the IMCP header is 8 bytes                  |
      v          |     |                                       8972 Bytes                                              |
      ---------------- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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